- 私の書いたものは私個人の意見を述べたもので, 一省の官吏としての私の地位と関連づけて読んでもらっては困る
what i have written represents my own personal views, and is not to be associated in any way with my official position in a government department 意味
- "what i enjoy most is sitting down with a good book after supper" 意味
- "what i feel comes naturally" 意味
- "what i have to say concerns his welfare" 意味
- "what i have to say will fall under three general heads" 意味
- "what i have told you was spoken from my experience" 意味
- "what i mean" 意味
- "what i need from you is support" 意味
- "what i object to is the nuisance of having to get up one hour earlier" 意味
- "what i really mean is" 意味
- "what i have to say will fall under three general heads" 意味
- "what i have told you was spoken from my experience" 意味
- "what i mean" 意味
- "what i need from you is support" 意味